Below are links to useful forms for our Mountainview Providers.
All links are to .pdf documents, that can be opened using Adobe Reader. If you do not have the Adobe pdf reader, you can download from this link:

Holiday Note
Holiday notes are required when you have children in care on days listed below. The note should list the child(ren), the date, the times that the child(ren) was in care, daycare provider’s name and parent signature.
Don’t forget to send them at claim submission time!
New Year’s Day
Easter Sunday
Memorial Day
Fourth of July
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
- 2022 Crediting Handbook for the CACFP
- Feeding Infants Handbook 2021
- OSPI CACFP Approved Non-Dairy Beverages
- Request for Fluid Milk Substitution
- Reference Sheet Special Dietary Needs
- Request for Special Dietary Accommodations
Pautas Español:
MANUAL DE ACREDITACIÓN PARA EL Programa de Alimentos para el Cuidado de Niños y Adultos
Solicitud de Sustitución de Leche Líquida
Solicitud de Adaptaciones Dietéticas Especiales
To print forms below, click on link, save to your computer then open document. Enable editing and fill out forms, print completed forms and send to MDNP 3131 Smokey Pt Dr, Ste 5A Arlington, WA 98223.
Required Postings:
- Building for the Future poster
- Construyendo Para El Futuro poster
- WIC Information Poster
- WIC Cartel Informativo
Handouts & Forms:
Attendance Forms: