USDA CACFP information on feeding grain portions for infants, use this important guide.

Grains in the form of bread/bread-like items, crackers, iron-fortified infant cereal, or ready-to-eat cereals are
an important part of meals and snacks in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). To make sure infants get enough grains, required amounts of grain items are listed in the infant meal pattern as ounce equivalents (oz eq). Ounce equivalents tell you the amount of grain in a portion of food.

As a reminder, iron-fortified infant cereal is the only grain that may count toward a reimbursable breakfast, lunch, or supper in the CACFP infant meal pattern. You may serve bread/bread-like items, crackers, iron-fortified infant cereal, or ready-to-eat cereals as part of a reimbursable snack.