Social Media can be a valuable tool for our business. MDNP has been adding social media pages to share information; fun ideas; gather tools by pinning links to websites with recipes, crafts, good business ideas. We’d love to have you check out our pages by clicking on these words to get to our pages on FACEBOOK or PINTEREST.

You may find that social media will work for you and your parents as well. Check our Daycare Tactics board on Pinterest to spark your interest in some new ideas. We have Pinterest boards for meals, CACFP & MyPlate information, business ideas, organization and of course crafts by season and games ideas. Our purpose is to make Mountainview Daycare Nutrition a resource to you for your business. Our primary goal is to help you provide healthy meals to the children in your care by giving you tools and accountability to follow the CACFP guidelines. But we recognize that with social media options we have so much more to offer.

We’d love to have your feedback. If you have questions on using social media for yourself or ideas on articles or Pinterest boards that would be helpful to you, let us know with a Facebook post, drop us an email or on our Pinterest board.

Finally, we have one board on Pinterest that we’ve made a Group Board. If you would like to be added as a “Pinner” to the “Our Village” board, click on any pin on that board and message us with a quick “ADD ME”. We’ll send you an invitation. (no advertising please, just daycare useful pins.)

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